2024-11-252024-11-252024-10-16MAZZINGHY, Alanna Oeiras da Costa; SILVA, Raurielly Maria dos Santos e. Sistemas de gestão de inteligência artificial ISO 42001: análise de benefícios considerando o contexto organizacional logístico brasileiro 2024. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) – Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2024.https://bibliotecadigitaldetcc.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/519Given the growing demand for efficiency and innovation in the Brazilian logistics sector, driven by the rapid evolution of technologies, this work analyzed the benefits of adopting the ISO 42001 standard, aimed at Artificial Intelligence (AI) management systems. The study focused on the perception of professionals working in the logistics sector, using a literature review and a survey aimed at specialists. Data analysis was carried out using the TOPSIS method, which identified and ranked the 15 main benefits of implementing the ISO 42001 standard, according to the participants' perception. The most prominent benefits were customer satisfaction, improved operational efficiency, incentives for innovation, improved company image and competitive advantage. The results indicate that the adoption of ISO 42001 not only optimizes processes and reduces costs, but also stimulates innovation and strengthens the competitiveness of companies in the market. The study concludes that the implementation of this standard is fundament for Brazilian logistics companies, given the complex infrastructure and regulatory scenario in the country. The research also highlights the importance of ethical practices and strategic management in the application of AI for success in logistics.Língua PortuguesaAbertoISO 42001Artificial intelligenceLogistics managementTOPSISEthicsGovernanceSistemas de gestão de inteligência artificial ISO 42001: análise de benefícios considerando o contexto organizacional logístico brasileiro.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)