2025-03-062025-03-062023-03-09LOBATO, Bruno Leonardo da Silva; COSTA, Yago Rodrigo de Freitas. Caracterização físico-química, compostos bioativos e capacidade antioxidante no fruto do ajurú (Chrysobalanus icaco L) da Amazônia. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Alimentos) – Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.https://bibliotecadigitaldetcc.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/530The objective of this work was to carry out research on Ajurú fruits from the Amazon region in relation to their physical-chemical characterization, bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity, considering that other studies carried out with the fruit are from other regions of Brazil, where it may differ - due to soil, climate, temperature and other factors; moreover, pulp and peel were worked separately, since most of the works observed in the literature used the fruit in integral. In the centesimal composition, the results obtained in the pulp and peel were respectively: pH 5.79 and 4.51, total acidity 0.07 and 0.06; soluble solids 10 and 7; SS/AT ratio (Ratio) 145.10; and 111,64; humidity of 87.18% and 76.03%; ash 0.67% and 1.04%; proteins 0.44% and 1.18%; fats 0.32% and 0,20%; Reducing sugars 2.14% and 2.90%, carbohydrates 11.39% and 21.55%; total fibers 0.52% and 1.32%; Kcal 48,12% and 87.44%. The Bioactive compounds in the pulp and peel were, respectively: phenolic compounds 103.3mgEAG/100g and 307mgEAG/100g; flavonoids 2.68mgEQ/100g and 150 mgEQ/100g; anthocyanins 3.08 cyanidin 3- glucoside mg/100g and 140.6 cyanidin 3- glucoside mg/100g and antioxidant capacity in the amount of 2.85μMtrolox/g and 15.25μMtrolox/g in the Ajurú fruit (Chrysobalanus icaco L) from the Amazon, being flavonoids and anthocyanins with results superior to those of the ajurú fruit from other regions and phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity with values close to those in the literature.Língua PortuguesaAbertoAntioxidantPhenolic compoundsAjuruAmazonBioactivesCaracterização físico-química, compostos bioativos e capacidade antioxidante no fruto do ajurú (Chrysobalanus icaco L) da Amazônia.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)