2025-03-062025-03-062023-03-10MENDONÇA, Caio Miguel Pantoja; LIMA, Melissa Bianca Maciel de. Elaboração, caracterização físico-química e microbiológica do queijo tipo reino com leite de búfala (Bubalus bubalis L.). 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Alimentos) – Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.https://bibliotecadigitaldetcc.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/531Reino cheese is a Brazilian cheese that emerged in the 19th century from an adaptation of the Edam cheese that was imported to Brazil at that time. Because it is a mature cheese, with different color and flavor, the Reino cheese has greater added value and strength in the international market. In parallel, buffalo milk is little explored in the state of Pará, even though it has a higher yield than bovine milk and excellent nutritional value. The objective of the work was the elaboration of a Reino cheese, using buffalo milk, being made the physical-chemical characterization of the milk and the cheese, determination of the indexes of depth and extension of maturation in the cheese, as well as the microbiological characterization of the cheese. Buffalo milk was purchased on Marajó Island. The cheese was elaborated at the UEPA-CCNT in the food laboratory. The microbiological and physical-chemical analyzes were carried out at the UEPA-CCNT chemistry, food, and microbiology laboratories. The physical chemical analyzes on buffalo milk resulted in mean values for moisture (%) = 84.85; total solids (%) = 15.15; ash (%) = 0.77; acidity (°D) = 16; fat (%) 5.47; pH = 6.85; density (g/cm3) = 1.030; protein= 5.14. The physical chemical analyzes of the Reino cheese with buffalo milk resulted in mean values for moisture (%) = 35.43; ash (%) = 6.23; fat (%) = 29.5; pH = 5.6; protein = 25.96. The indexes of depth (IPM) and extension (IEM) of maturation were determined on days 3, 6, 13 and 20, obtaining IPM values = 1.43; 2.53; 3.78; 4.71, respectively and IEM= 4.23; 6.20; 6.62; 11.20, respectively. The microbiological analyzes in the Reino cheese obtained results within the hygienic-sanitary parameters established by the Brazilian legislation. The yield of Reino cheese with buffalo milk was 8.54L/Kg.Língua PortuguesaAbertoReino cheeseBuffalo milkMaturation indexElaboração, caracterização físico-química e microbiológica do queijo tipo reino com leite de búfala (Bubalus bubalis L.).Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)