2024-11-252024-11-252024-01-20COSTA, Matheus Alexandre de Jesus. Ciclos míticos lunares: joias que celebram as lendas amazônicas conectando a bioeconomia ao design. 2024. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Design) – Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2024.https://bibliotecadigitaldetcc.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/520Jewelry as a cultural product reflects the lifestyle, customs and beliefs of the people who produced it. These human remnants reveal the interaction and thinking that ancient populations had with nature, observing how nature behaved since the chipped stone period and imitating its characteristics. In this way, the heritage of indigenous peoples has allowed the knowledge of plants and herbs to be passed down through generations and to be carried out today by artisans. However, all this identity that jewelry brings with it is currently restricted to the middle and upper classes in Belém, due to the use of more expensive materials, and the lower classes are excluded and are left without access to this materialization of their culture that they experience on a daily basis. Given this scenario, the initiative arose to produce a collection of jewelry according to the fundamentals of bioeconomics, the aim being precisely to lower the cost of producing jewelry, making it cheaper, but without losing the quality of the design, making it more accessible. During the process, bibliographical research was carried out to survey the history of jewelry, market research by applying questionnaires to local jewelry producers to understand the public, trends and production details, as well as visual and conceptual inspiration in regional legends related to the moon. The work's contribution is not only to reduce the cost of producing jewelry, but also to encourage the use of the bioeconomy in the state, valuing biodiversity and guaranteeing economic and social benefits in a sustainable way.Língua PortuguesaAbertoBioeconomyJewelry designAmazonian folkloreCiclos míticos lunares: joias que celebram as lendas amazônicas conectando a bioeconomia ao design.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)